Picking my Pointe Shoes


Welcome to the world of ballet! In this blog post, we will delve into the intricate process of picking the perfect pair of pointe shoes. Whether you are a seasoned ballerina or just starting your journey en pointe, understanding the different aspects of pointe shoes is crucial for both comfort and performance. So, let's dive right in!

Understanding Pointe Shoes

Before we begin exploring the factors to consider when selecting pointe shoes, let's take a moment to understand what they are and how they function. Pointe shoes are specially designed ballet shoes that allow dancers to dance on the tips of their toes, providing the illusion of weightlessness and effortless grace. These shoes have a rigid box or toe box, which supports the dancer's weight and helps maintain proper alignment.

Factors to Consider

When it comes to picking pointe shoes, there are several essential factors to consider: the shape of your feet, the strength of your ankles, the level of experience, and the specific requirements of your ballet technique. Each dancer is unique, and finding the right pointe shoes is a highly individualized process.

Different Types of Pointe Shoes

There are various types of pointe shoes available to cater to different foot shapes and dancing styles. Some popular options include traditional pointe shoes, which provide a classic look and sturdy support, and split-sole pointe shoes, which offer enhanced flexibility and articulation. It is essential to try out different styles and consult with a knowledgeable professional to determine the best fit for your feet.

Finding the Perfect Fit

One of the most critical aspects of selecting pointe shoes is finding the perfect fit. Ill-fitting shoes can lead to discomfort, injury, and hinder your overall performance. It is recommended to visit a reputable dancewear store or consult with a professional fitter who can guide you through the fitting process. Remember, a snug yet comfortable fit is the key to a successful pointe shoe experience.

Tips for Trying on Pointe Shoes

When trying on pointe shoes, keep these tips in mind: start with a clean and dry foot, wear tights or toe pads for added comfort, and always try both shoes on to ensure proper balance and alignment. Walk around, relevé, and do some pliés to test the shoes' responsiveness and support. Don't hesitate to communicate with the fitter and provide feedback throughout the fitting process.

Maintaining and Caring for Pointe Shoes

Proper maintenance and care are essential to prolong the lifespan of your pointe shoes. After each use, remove any accumulated moisture by stuffing the shoes with newspaper or using a drying agent. Additionally, sewing ribbons and elastics securely and applying toe pads can help preserve the shape and integrity of the shoes. Regularly inspect the shoes for signs of wear and consult with your teacher or fitter if replacements are needed.


In conclusion, picking the right pointe shoes is an integral part of a ballet dancer's journey. By understanding the different aspects of pointe shoes, considering various factors, and finding the perfect fit, you can enhance your comfort, technique, and enjoyment while dancing en pointe. Remember to prioritize your safety and consult with professionals who can guide you through this exciting process. Happy dancing!

And that concludes our blog on picking the perfect pair of pointe shoes. We hope you found this article informative and helpful in your ballet endeavors. If you have any further questions or would like more guidance, feel free to reach out. Happy dancing!